
Hummingbird – Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript

Optimize site speed with best WP cache plugin. Cache, minify CSS & minify JavaScript, defer critical CSS & JS, smush & lazy load images.
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May 2, 2024
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Hummingbird – Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript

Hummingbird makes your website faster and optimizes site performance by adding new ways to boost Google PageSpeed Insights with fine-tuned controls over file compression, deferring CSS and JavaScript styles and scripts, minify for CSS and JS, Lazy Load integration, and world-class caching.

Hummingbird is brought to you by the WordPress speed specialists that created Smush image optimization, now active on more than +1 million websites. Get the complete speed boost with Hummingbird and Smush.

If PageSpeed Insights is making these speed recommendations Hummingbird can help:

  • Enable text compression – Use gzip to make your site fly (Brotli Compression via CDN included with Pro).
  • Preconnect to required origins – Use Hummingbird to establish earlier connections.
  • Preload key requests – Prioritize resources based on order.
  • Avoid enormous network payloads – Consider Lazy Load for comments or breaking up smaller posts.
  • Use efficient cache – The Hummingbird Cache suite offers effective browser cache for caching any site.
  • Fix your JavaScript execution time – Deliver smaller JS payloads, preload JS, and defer JS.
  • Minify CSS – Strip unused code from your CSS.
  • Minify JavaScript – Speed up the time it takes to parse your JS files.
  • Eliminate render-blocking resources – Move critical CSS and JS inline and defer all non-critical JS/CSS.
  • Delay JavaScript execution (Pro only) – Increase performance by delaying the loading of non-critical JS files and scripts until user interaction.
  • Automatically generate Critical CSS (Pro only) – Substantially boost page speed and UX by prioritizing above-the-fold content.
  • Defer unused CSS – Defer the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content.
  • Lazy Load offscreen images (Smush free integration).

Hummingbird scans your site and provides one-click fixes to speed up WordPress in a flash.

You’ll get faster loading pages, higher search rankings (SERP) and PageSpeed scores, and happier visitors with Hummingbird’s WordPress speed optimization. Optimizing the speed of your site has never been easier!

Recursos disponíveis no Hummingbird incluem:

  • Scan and Fix – Get a scan of your site, find out what’s slowing it down, and use one-click performance improvements to make critical speed improvements.
  • World-class caching – A full caching suite to load pages faster with full-page, Gravatar, and browser cache tool.
  • Performance Reports – Pro tips for running your site at super speed.
  • Asset Optimization – Position, minify and combine Javascript, CSS, and Google Font files for top performance. Test changes with built-in Safe Mode.
  • Better Rankings – Improve scores on Google PageSpeed Insights (SEO ranking factor), YSlow, Pingdom, and GTmetrix.
  • Increase Your Conversion Rate – Don’t keep visitors waiting: faster sites convert better.
  • GZIP Compression – Blazing-fast HTML, JavaScript, and stylesheet (CSS) transfer.
  • Configs – Set your preferred performance settings, save them as config, and instantly upload to any other site.
  • Font Optimization – Improve site speed, Core Web Vitals, and visual stability by preloading critical fonts and enabling fallbacks.

Learn The Ropes With These Hands-On Hummingbird Tutorials

Recursos Hummingbird para acelerar seu WordPress

Exame e Correção em um clique

O Hummingbird é um plug-in de otimização de velocidade do WordPress. Ele examinará seu site, encontrará arquivos que estão diminuindo a velocidade dele e fornecerá dicas e correções para tornar seu site executado na velocidade máxima.

Hummingbird even has one-click improvements like a full cache suite, one-click minify for styles and scripts, and deferring CSS and JS for quickly optimizing performance. What could be easier!

Cache de classe mundial

Você obterá um conjunto de cache de classe mundial, incluindo cache de página inteira, navegador e Gravatar.

Deixe seu site ainda mais rápido com o conjunto completo de ferramentas de cache do Hummingbirds, que proporciona aos seus visitantes uma experiência de navegação mais rápida. Incluindo full-page, broswer e cache do Gravatar.

Otimização de Ativos

Did you know that the more files you add to your site’s header, the slower it will load? With Hummingbird, you can easily customize the load position of your CSS, JavaScript (defer CSS and Javascript), Fonts, and other files to increase your page speed.

Quickly reorder, compress, and reposition files with Hummingbird’s minification feature. Reset any changes you make in one click, or use Asset Optimization Safe Mode to test changes before pushing live.

Transferir dados em velocidade máxima com o GZIP

O Hummingbird possui poderes GZIP para tornar o compartilhamento do site mais eficiente

O envio de arquivos compactados é mais rápido e pode economizar dinheiro com hospedagem. E não se preocupe com a instalação, envie as instruções do Hummingbird com o clique de um botão e ela cuidará do resto.

Integração com Cloudflare nativa

Hummingbird can be used to control your Cloudflare browser cache and Automatic Platform Optimizations (APO) settings as well! Simply add your Cloudflare API key and configure away.

Font Optimization

Boost site speed, Core Web Vitals, and the visual stability of pages for users with Hummingbird’s one-click font optimization features: Preload Fonts, which instructs browsers to preload essential fonts, and Swap Web Fonts, which applies a temporary fallback font until the primary one loads.

Totalmente Compátivel com Smush Otimizador de Imagens

Você pode complementar os recursos de otimização de velocidade do WordPress do Hummingbird com a premiada irmã-plugin Smush otimização de imagem. O Smush comprime suas imagens, dando menos carga ao site – e, portanto, um tempo de carregamento mais rápido. O Hummingbird + Smush se integram perfeitamente e é a combinação perfeita para acelerar o WordPress.

Compress, optimize (optimise), and fix PageSpeed performance with properly sized images, lazy load, next-gen WebP convert, image formatting, and more.

Save time with Hummingbird Configs

Configs allow you to save your preferred Hummingbird configuration settings and apply them to your other sites in a few clicks. You can create unlimited configs.

Delay Javascript Resources (Pro Only)

Boost site performance dramatically by delaying the loading of JS files and third-party scripts until direct user interaction (e.g. scroll or click). Enjoy faster loading pages, improve web vitals, and ace your PageSpeed scores.

Activate in one click, includes user interaction timeout and the option to exclude critical files from being delayed. A paid WPMU DEV account (the developers of Hummingbird) is required to access this feature. You can check out our affordable plans here.

Generate Critical CSS (Pro Only)

Maximize site speed and user experience by prioritizing only the CSS that matters most. The Generate Critical CSS feature intelligently generates and embeds critical CSS in the head of each page, giving priority to above-the-fold content and significantly improving loading speed. Updates to your critical CSS are automated with every site design change, and you can enable/disable with a click.

Sites Mais Rápidos são Melhores Ranqueada, Convertem Melhor

Every millisecond counts: your visitors expect an ever-faster website, with a page load time of under two seconds expected – and the norm. If visitors don’t get that on your site, they will leave.

Se você estiver executando um site comercial ou loja de comércio eletrônico, isso significa se seu site não carregar rapidamente, você irá deixar de vender.

Hummingbird is here to help you; it’s a one of a kind WordPress performance optimization plugin that can make your site run at superspeed, for free!

You get our WordPress performance optimization suite, which includes minification and GZIP for small page sizes, full caching for faster loading, and integration with Cloudflare’s APO / browser cache, and our sister-plugin Smush image optimization.

Hummingbird is built with ease-of-use in mind; it makes your WordPress site faster, but it’s also fast to set up. You can scan your site and implement recommended changes in one-click, getting a fast site in mere minutes.

All the above is free and will speed up WordPress for you. If you need the very fastest WordPress site, you should get a WPMU DEV Membership.

Sendo membro irá lhe dar acesso ao Hummingbird Pro – o qual recurso inclui varredura automatizada, monitoramento de tempo de atividade, compactação minify aprimorada (com o dobro da otimização regular), minificação hospedada pela CDN – juntamente com a otimização de imagem Smush Pro, todos os nossos plugins premium e WordPress suporte 24/7.

It’s an incredible deal, and you can find out more here.

O que as Pessoas falam Sobre Hummingbird?


Hummingbird is so easy to use. I thought it wouldn’t change my speed much because I already made improvements. I ran the scan, it gave me recommendations, I pushed a button to apply them and it made my site even faster!” – Camilo


“Hummingbird está melhorando a cada atualização. Hoje se tornou tão bom que me forçou a remover grandes plugin de otimização e cache como WP Super Cache e WP Sweep por que agora Hummingbird todos esses recurso – mas em uma maneira melhor” – swagatam1975


Hummingbird took me from 32 to 84 on Google page speed plus made my site 50% faster on GTmetrix!” – Nicolas


“Eu acabei de construir um verdadeiro saco inchado de lixo de um site WP, e depois de configurar o Hummingbird e deixá-lo fazer o que ele quer, o site é realmente rápido – muito mais rápido do que tem qualquer direito de estar … estou impressionado.” – Cacarr

Uma Nota do Hummingbird

Ei! Aqui é o Hummingbird, sua solução confiável para acelerar o WordPress. Faço parte da equipe WPMU DEV, o conjunto de super-heróis de plug-ins, serviços e suporte do WordPress. Aqui estão alguns de nossos outros plugins gratuitos:

  • Smush – Otimização e Compressão de Imagens
  • Forminator – Formulário, Qestionário, Construtor de enquetes e inquéritos
  • Hustle – Pop-ups, Slide-ins e Email Opt-ins

And if you need ALL our Pro plugins AND 24/7 WordPress support, get WPMU DEV membership! You can try it for free:

Meus amigos de super-heróis administram o WPMU DEV Blog, sua fonte dos melhores tutoriais do WordPress. Se você precisa conhecer o WordPress, confira.

Obrigado por olhar para o Hummingbird, e estou ansioso para voar pelo seu site para torná-lo mais rápido do que nunca.

Aproveite, O Hummingbird

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