
Hide/Show Post/Page Content

Hides or shows a selected part of public posts/pages content (text, images, etc.) depending on whether the user is logged or not.
Última atualização
December 9, 2022
Instalações ativas
Hide/Show Post/Page Content

It permits to hide or show part of the content of posts or pages to users that are logged or not. It’s also possibile to select the role(s) or the username(s) of logged users.

The content to be hidden or displayed must be included in a shortcode tagged as ‘soshsc‘.

The info page is available under the Tools menu.

It’s compatible with Elementor from the version 2.0. The widget is in the general category.

Shortcode parameters

hide=”guest” hides content to guests

hide=”logged” hides content to legged users

show=”guest” displays content to guests

show=”logged” displays content to legged users

role=”subscriber” enables the action (show/hide) only to users with the ‘Subscriber’ role

role=”subscriber,editor” enables the action (show/hide) only to users with the ‘Subscriber’ or ‘Editor’ role

user=”foo” enables the action (show/hide) only to the user with username ‘foo’

user=”foo,bar” enables the action (show/hide) only to the users with username ‘foo’ or ‘bar’


  1. Hide content to unlogged users: [soshsc hide=”guest”]This content is hidden only to users not logged.[/soshsc]

  2. Hide content to logged users: [soshsc hide=”logged”]This content is hidden only to logged users.[/soshsc]

  3. Show content only to unlogged users: [soshsc show=”guest”]This content is displayed only to users not logged.[/soshsc]

  4. Show content only to logged users: [soshsc show=”logged” role=”administrator”]This content is displayed only to administrators.[/soshsc]

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