
gw2pcl – Guild Wars 2 Player’s Character List

Users can manage their own Guild Wars 2 characters. A list of all characters or all characters of one player can be integrated in any post or page.
Última atualização
June 6, 2013
gw2pcl – Guild Wars 2 Player’s Character List

Feel free to rate and comment. If you like it donations are welcome. More work on the plugin will be done in the near future!

This plugin is based on the plugin gw2pcl. Every user who has the right to upload files can add his Guild Wars 2 characters with a screenshot and a short phrase to the database.

Place the [gw2pcl] shortcode on your page or article where you want to list all characters in the database. Place the [gw2pcl who="user_login"] shortcode on your page or article where you want to list all characters of a certain user in the database.

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