It is a Wordpress Plugins to show current year and month using shortcode. It can also show previous and nex year and month dynamically.
Última atualização
January 27, 2021

Using this “Current Year, Month & Copywroght Shortcode” plugin user can easily add current year, month and copyright sign in post and page title or body.


  • [y] / [cy] : Use these shortcodes to show current year.
  • [m] / [cm] : Use these shortcodes to show current Month.
  • [py] : Use these shortcodes to show past year.
  • [pm] : Use these shortcodes to show past month.
  • [ny] : Use these shortcodes to show next year.
  • [nm] : Use these shortcodes to show next month.
  • [c] : Use these shortcodes to show copyright sign.

Arbitrary section

A brief Markdown Example

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