Flexibilize os recursos do seu site com plugins

Adicione novas funcionalidades e integrações ao seu site com milhares de plugins.

11 plugins
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    Uptolike Social Share Buttons
    por Uptolike Team
    Uptolike Social Share Buttons - social bookmarking widget with sharing statistics.
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    Zotabox - 20+ Promotional Sales tools to boost your subscribers and sales
    por Zotabox
    Boost your subscribers and sales with 20+ popular on-site marketing tools: Email List Builder, Social Coupon, Countdown Timer, Mailchimp Forms, Popups
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    Easy Code Placement
    por Jens Herdy
    A great Wordpress plugin to place any Code - anywhere you want.
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    por Marty Boggs
    Create social sharing buttons using the ridiculously responsive social sharing buttons script.
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    Official Markerly Widget
    por Justin Kline
    Instant sharing on text highlight/selection to Facebook/Twitter and more!
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    AddThis xmlns
    por Rolf
    This plugin adds the xmlns:addthis="http://www.addthis.com/help/api-spec" entry to the HTML tag. This head entry is required to make it Val …
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    (dp) AddThis
    por DemixPress
    Makes it even easier and better to display AddThis tools (share buttons, follow buttons and recommended contents) on your WordPress site.
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    BST share iT
    por BST Systemtechnik (Arnold Margolf)
    BST share iT - Die Social-Sharing-Buttons die nicht nach Hause telefonieren und geltendes deutsches Recht beachten.
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    por ShareMacro
    The ShareMacro widget empowers your visitors to email, bookmark and share your site with services, such as Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg..
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    Plugin Name: 微集分插件
    por uper.
    微集分是一个提供网页地址收藏、分享及发送的WEB2.0按钮工具,借助微集分插件,网站的浏览者可以方便的分享内容到人人网、开心网、QQ空间、新浪微博等一系列SNS站点。 网站主可以在微集分网站中获得分享按钮JS代码,嵌入到自己的网站,让网站链接分享到互联网各个角落!通过微集分插件,您的网站的浏览者可以便捷得分享您网站上的内容到人人网、开心网、qq空间、新浪微博等SNS站点进行传播,为您的网站带回更多的流量。通过微集分插件,您网站上的网页将更容易被百度搜索引擎所发现,从而有机会从百度搜索带回更多的流量。通过微集分插件,后续您还可以免费获取详尽的分享统计分析,了解网民将您网站上哪些内容分享到哪些SNS网站,每日的分享次数是多少,帮您更好得的跟踪、分析、激励用户的分享行为,为网站带来更多的流量。(该功能即将开放,敬请期待)赶紧免费获取微集分插件,获取更多的流量,您还等什么呢?启用插件后,可以点击这里进行配置。
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    Masdetalles Share
    por Ziltik
    Help people share, bookmark, and email your posts, pages, your favorite links through MasDetalles.do