
Agora Abandoned Cart

Send asynchronous emails and push notifications to your woocommerce customers, reminding them of their abandoned carts.
Última atualização
March 21, 2021
Agora Abandoned Cart

Allows you to reach out to customers who haven’t completed their checkout and helps store runners identify the number of abandoned carts by tracking customers who abandon their merchandise. Also, this records when a customer puts a product in their cart and sending emails and push notifications to your customers, reminding them about their abandoned orders.

What the plugin does Contact users who have added products to cart without completing the order and try to recover them.

Email Sending Setup

Agora Abandoned Cart Plugin relies on a function called WP-Cron, and this function only runs when there is a page requested. So, if there are no visits to your website, then the scheduled jobs are not run. Generally this method of sending the abandoned cart notification emails is reliable. However, if you are not very confident about the traffic volume of your website, then you can set a manual cron job via cPanel or any other control panel that your host provides.

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