
Flexible Content Extended for Advanced Custom Fields

Extends the ACF Flexible Content Field by transforming the layout list into a modal with image previews and editing in a modal for better UX.
Última atualização
August 24, 2022
Instalações ativas
Flexible Content Extended for Advanced Custom Fields

Extends the ACF Flexible Content Field by transforming the layout list into a modal with image previews. Editing the fields layouts also happens in a modal for a better editing user experience.

Image Conventions

  • The size of the image should be 730 x 300.
  • They should be named based on the layout’s name (text_block) with underscores converted to dashes (text-block.jpg).

Image Location

Images should be placed in your theme. By default, images are located here: THEME/lib/admin/images/acf-flexible-content-extended.

Also note that you can filter this path, but it MUST be in your theme:

add_filter( 'acf-flexible-content-extended.images_path', $path );

NOTE: The path should not have a trailing beginning or trailing slash!

Additionally, you could filter all keys and/or images:

add_filter( 'acf-flexible-content-extended.images', $images );

Issues & Feature Requests

If you identify any errors or have an idea for improving the plugin, feel free to open an issue or create a pull request. Please provide as much info as needed in order to help resolving or approve your request.

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