
YDS Support Ticket System

YDS Support Ticket System enables you to easily create your own ticket system on your WordPress Theme. Users can submit/create tickets, ticket agents …
Ultimo aggiornamento
June 9, 2016
Installazioni attive
YDS Support Ticket System

YDS Support Ticket System enables you to easily create your own ticket system on your WordPress Theme. Users can submit/create tickets, ticket agents can answer tickets, change the ticket status, create categories, upload files and set priority. With a shortcode, you can display the create ticket form on the frontend. Visitors can register or login in order to get support, check status or create tickets. Admin can also allow guest users to make use of support system.

Features :

  • Ticket Creation by Admin
  • Visitor/Guest can create ticket from front-end
  • Priority, status, category selection for each ticket
  • Multiple file attachment for ticket and reply also attachments attached to mail as well
  • Ticket assignment mail notifications
  • Delete ticket by admin
  • Guest ticket submission
  • Mail notification upon new ticket submission for admin and originator
  • 100% Ajax based functionality works 200% faster
  • Ajax based ticket filter for Agent and Admin to filter by type,status,category,priority and search
  • Smooth integration with WordPress themes
  • HTML editor for ticket issue
  • Custom Priority with ability to re-order, rename default Priority
  • Custom Categories with ability to re-order, rename default Category
  • Easy to Use
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Shortcode for Support Ticket System
  • Easy To Translate

Examples areas of use :

  • Technical support system
  • Trouble ticket system
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) system
  • Service request system
  • Company, hotel or real estate service desk
  • Helpdesk system
  • Appointment request system
  • Easy ticket management for large orgnization
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