
WP Job Manager - Simple Paid Listings

Add paid job listing functionality to your site. Set a listing price and take payment via Stripe or PayPal before the listing is published.
Ultimo aggiornamento
June 28, 2024
Set a price for new job listings and use either Stripe Checkout or PayPal Standard to seamlessly take payments during the job submission process.

Job listing

When previewing a job listing the 'confirm' button is renamed to 'Pay for listing'. This is where the magic of this add-on happens. Clicking 'Pay for listing' will trigger the payments process, which differs depending upon whether you have chosen Paypal or Stripe.


After installation head over to Job Listings > Settings > Paid Listings to configure your paid listings + gateways. You can set the listing cost and configure your payment gateway - Stripe or Paypal.  
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