
WP Intro.JS Plugin

Easily add step-by-step guides and feature introduction to your site using the excellent Intro.JS library fully integrated with WordPress.
Ultimo aggiornamento
July 10, 2021
Installazioni attive

WP Intro.JS plugin allows you to easily add tours or tutorials to your site (front-end or back-end admin pages) using Intro.JS. Additionaly, hint pips are available to be displayed. Almost every feature within Intro.JS has been implemented.

WHY USE INTRO.JS? When new users visit your website or product you should demonstrate your product features using a step-by-step guide. Even when you develop and add a new feature to your product, you should be able to represent them to your users using a user-friendly solution. Intro.js is developed to enable web and mobile developers to create a step-by-step introduction easily.

General Information

Tours can be associated to any page or post. There are 2 shortcodes available to provide quick links to start the tour or show the hints. Tours can auto-start as well as be disabled after completion per user.


  • [wpintrojs_tour] – Shows a Start Tour link
  • [wpintrojs_hint] – Shows a Show Hints link
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Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.