
Backup and Restore WordPress – Backup Plugin

Backup, restore, clone, duplicate or migrate your site effortlessly with the WPBackItUp backup plugin. Backup every setting, post, comment, revision, …
Ultimo aggiornamento
March 15, 2024
Installazioni attive
Backup and Restore WordPress – Backup Plugin

With the WPBackItUp Backup Plugin you’re protected against hackers, malware, host outages, and even your own mistakes. WPBackItUp creates a backup of every setting, post, comment, revision, plugin, theme, media file and upload with just a single click.

WPBackItUp generates a compressed backup of your entire website no matter how large a site you have. Your backup can be quickly and easily downloaded right from your WordPress dashboard.

WPBackItUp è disponibile per la comunità di WordPress dal 2012 e viene utilizzato per creare milioni di backup ogni anno. Tra i plugin di backup disponibili è uno dei più ampiamente testati , attendibili e altamente qualificati ! E con la nostra lunga storia, potete essere certi che saremo in circolazione ancora per molti anni.

The Simplest Way to Safeguard Your WordPress Site!

Installa semplicemente WPBackItUp e in pochi minuti avrai un backup completo di tutto il tuo sito.

  • No complex configuration to deal with
  • No advanced knowledge of WordPress required
  • No FTP needed
  • No cPanel required
  • No MySQL knowledge necessary
  • Not even any PHPMyAdmin involved

Just a few clicks and you’ll have a complete backup that safeguards all of your valuable content.

Here are just a few of our incredible features.

Community Edition Features (free)

  • Easy to use, just one click and your backup is complete
  • Easy to setup because there is no setup required
  • Simple & easy to understand – not just for techies
  • Fast backup of your entire site
  • Unlimited backups so backup as much as you want
  • Large sites supported – lot’s of content, no problem
  • Download your backup – no matter how large your site we have you covered
  • Backup cancellation – cancel your backup at any time
  • Customize what you want to backup
  • Notifiche di stato inviate per email dopo ogni backup
  • Works in low memory & shared hosting environments
  • Works on all WordPress platforms (Linux, Windows and even Azure)
  • Complete backup, includes database, plugins, themes, uploads, media files, everything
  • Backup compressi (formato zip) per risparmiare spazio su disco
  • Conservazione di backup personalizzata, in modo da mantenere soltanto i backup desiderati
  • Testato e supportato su WordPress 3.8 e versioni successive
  • Assistenza professionale così, se hai bisogno di noi, siamo disponibili

Premium Features (paid)

  • Ripristino in un clic direttamente dal tuo pannello WordPress
  • Automated backup schedule allows your backup to run whenever you want
  • I backup vengono eseguiti in background, e ciò permette di poter continuare a lavorare mentre i backup sono in esecuzione
  • Importa i tuoi backup, non importa quanto grandi, direttamente dal pannello
  • Il backup di un solo file rende facile lo spostamento dei tuoi backup su un altro host
  • Riporta il tuo backup a una diversa versione di WordPress
  • Trasferisci il tuo sito su un altro host, dominio o table prefix
  • Clona il tuo sito per sviluppo, staging o test
  • Il supporto prioritario ti porta direttamente in prima linea
  • Save your backups to DropBox with WPBackItUp Safe

Don’t Risk Losing Your Website

Does the thought of losing your website keep you up at night? All that time, effort and money you’ve invested could be gone in an instant.

WordPress is an incredible product but there are many things that can go wrong. You could get hacked, your hosting company could go out of business, you could install a bad plugin or theme, the list is endless, and without a good backup, you could lose everything.

If this isn’t something that keeps you up at night, then it really should be. It was keeping us up at night so we decided to do something about it. In 2012 we created the WPBackItUp backup plugin and made it freely available to the WordPress community.

Since 2012 we have added many incredible features and have even created a premium version of our backup plugin, but our fundamental goal has remained the same. We want to make creating a WordPress backup as simple, effective and complete as possible. We don’t want anything to prevent you from regularly creating a backup of your WordPress site.

We offer the Community Edition of our backup plugin for free so that you will BackItUp and sleep better at night.

Community Edition Support

We offer free support via the WordPress support forum but before posting a question please make sure you are running the current version of WPBackItUp. We frequently add features and fix issues so please make sure your version is up to date before posting an issue. We also ask that you review our online documentation and FAQ’s which are available on the WPBackItUp Support Portal before posting your questions.

Restoring Your Site

Restoring your site can be very stressful and often times quite complex so we offer a few options to our Community Edition customers.

If you are a do it yourself kind of person then we provide detailed instructions on the WPBackItUp Support Portal. Here we walk you through the process to restore your database manually.

We also provide step by step instructions for manually restoring plugins, themes and media files.

But if you aren’t someone that wants to do it yourself, then check out our Premium Backup Plugin. With WPBackItUp premium you will have access to our one-click restore which takes care of all the hard work for you.

Premium Plugin

WPBackItUp Premium fornisce molte funzionalità non comprese nella Community Edition. Puoi acquistare in qualsiasi momento dal sito WPBackItUp una Licenza No-Risk WPBackItUp Premium .

Ripristino in un click: WPBackItUp premium ti permette di ripristinare i tuoi backup con un solo clic dal pannello di WordPress.

Backup automatici: WPBackItUp premium ti permette di pianificare l’esecuzione dei tuoi backup secondo le tue necessità.

Priority Support: WPBackItUp is supported by a team of professional. If you are using WPBackItUp to safeguard your business website then priority support is available to our premium customers. Please see for details.

Automatically Restore/Clone/Duplicate/Migrate your Website: Need to restore, clone, duplicate or migrate your website? We make that easy too!

The premium version of the WPBackItUp backup plugin allows you to restore your website from backup with a single click. All you do is select the backup you want to restore and click restore, right from your WordPress dashboard. It’s that easy, and your site is back up and running in minutes.

More questions?

Please review our FAQ’s or ask them in the support forum.


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  • Tedesco
  • Spagnolo
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  • বাংলা (Bengali)

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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.