
Price Based on Country for WooCommerce

Add multicurrency support to WooCommerce, allowing you set product's prices in multiple currencies based on country of your site's visitor.
Ultimo aggiornamento
June 27, 2024
Installazioni attive
Price Based on Country for WooCommerce

Price Based on Country for WooCommerce allows you to sell the same product in multiple currencies based on the country of the customer.

Come funziona

The plugin detects automatically the country of the website visitor throught the geolocation feature included in WooCommerce (2.3.0 or later) and display the currency and price you have defined previously for this country.

You have two ways to set product’s price for each country:

  • Calculate price by applying the exchange rate.
  • Imposta il prezzo manualmente.

When country changes on checkout page, the cart, the order preview and all shop are updated to display the correct currency and pricing.


Sell and receive payments in different currencies, reducing the costs of currency conversions.

Country Switcher

The extension include a country switcher widget to allow your customer change the country from the frontend of your website.

Shipping currency conversion

Apply currency conversion to Flat and International Flat Rate Shipping.

Compatibile con WPML

WooCommerce Product Price Based on Countries is officially compatible with WPML.

Upgrade to Pro

This plugin offers a Pro addon which adds the following features:

  • Guaranteed support by private ticket system.
  • Automatic updates of exchange rates.
  • Add an exchange rate fee.
  • Arrotonda al più vicino.
  • Display the currency code next to price.
  • Compatible with the WooCommerce built-in CSV importer and exporter.
  • Thousand separator, decimal separator and number of decimals by pricing zone.
  • Widget per il cambio di valuta.
  • Support to WooCommerce Subscriptions by Prospress .
  • Support to WooCommerce Product Bundles by SomewhereWarm .
  • Support to WooCommerce Product Add-ons by WooCommerce .
  • Support to WooCommerce Bookings by WooCommerce .
  • Support to WooCommerce Composite Product by SomewhereWarm.
  • Support to WooCommerce Name Your Price by Kathy Darling.
  • Bulk editing of variations princing.
  • Supporto per ordini manuali.
  • More features and integrations is coming.

Get Price Based on Country Pro now


  • WooCommerce 3.4 or later.
  • If you want to receive payments in more of one currency, a payment gateway that supports them.
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Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.