Set a limit for WooCommerce product titles at the frontend of your shop.
Ultimo aggiornamento
January 8, 2022
Installazioni attive
Woo Title Limit

Simply set the maximum length of product titles for WooCommerce in the shop, category, tag, product view and on the homepage. No broken templates due to too long product titles. Useful for automatically added affiliate products.


  • Set max. title length for the shop view
  • Set max. title length for the product category view
  • Set max. title length for the product tag view
  • Set max. title length for the product view
  • Set max. title length for the home page
  • Optional: limit title length at the end of the current word instead of breaking the title
  • Automatically limit product titles in Woocommerce widgets (optional)
  • Add “…” if product titles are longer then the limit
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.