
Recent Sales Notifications for WooCommerce

Elegant popup notifications to display recent orders to prospective customers. Create a sense of busy shop and motivate customers to purchase.
Ultimo aggiornamento
November 24, 2021
Installazioni attive
Recent Sales Notifications for WooCommerce

Recent Sales Notifications runs attractive recent sales popups to notify visitors of recently bought items. When visitors are aware that many other customers are buying from this store, they are more confident to make a purchase.

This plugin is useful for any WooCommerce shop and businesses of any size. Owners of WooCommerce stores can create custom popup notifications to promote any product, category and add promo codes and discounts, display the sale countdown. It creates a busy atmosphere for the visitors in the store, just like a busy retail store.

Recent Sales Notifications Main Features

Any content to display Promote any product, category, tag. Direct URL link allows visitors to click on the recent sales popups to view details in the page. Add numbers to display the random quantity of users or products, add users name and location, time, text.

Easy to set up and customize Popup Notifications plugin allows you to build multifunctional popup easily and fast step by step.

Attract customers with Discount Codes and countdown Easily create attractive discount codes and use a countdown to create a feeling of urgency and demand for products.

Varied styles and custom design to match with any store’s theme Design a unique recent sales popup that matches your store in many ways: different templates, 9 positions on screen, background colour and opacity, overlay, borders, text and Close button style settings.

Rules to display popup Set a time, rules and condition to show: time on a website, time on page, distance scrolled, visitors inactive time, current date/time/day, popup for new visitors.

Show real names and location of visitors To increase notifications’ authenticity, use the real user name or display selected users named randomly. Display location of the buyer according to visitor IP or display random nearest cities.

Responsive design Popup Notifications are fully responsive on both desktop and any mobile devices.

Support and suggestions for Recent Sales Notifications

Ask your questions in the WP support forum, or contact us directly

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.