
WC Map Guest Orders and Downloads

WC Map Guest Orders and Downloads maps WooCommerce guest orders and downloads to an account with the same e-mail on account creation or login.
Ultimo aggiornamento
June 5, 2019
Installazioni attive

Note: You MUST have WooCommerce installed and activated for this plugin to work. WC 3.0+ compliant

WC Map Guest Orders and Downloads does exactly what the title says. We’ve all had customers order something from our site, and then later decide to create an account. Especially with downloadable products, this can cause an issue where logged in users can’t view their past orders or downloads. We address this here by checking the billing e-mail address on past guest orders when an account is created or a user logs in, and if it matches the e-mail set on the user account, the appropriate orders and downloads are mapped to the new account.

This is a simple little plugin, with no settings, no options, just install, activate, and go!

To see other plugins like this, or tips on how these are built, check out my blog.

Dependencies and Liscencing

Depends on WooCommerce

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.