Detects units of measurement in your blog text and automatically displays the metric or US customary equivalent in one of several possible ways.
Ultimo aggiornamento
November 5, 2019
Installazioni attive

This plugin detects units of measurement (e.g. “10 lbs”) and will add the metric or non-metric equivalent (e.g. “4.5 kilograms”). The converted measurement can be added in several ways:

  • as a mouse-over, or
  • in brackets after the original measurement, e.g. “10 lbs (4.5 kilograms)”.

It is useful if you use lots of measurements and are writing for an international audience.

Currently Supported Conversions

  • Celsius Fahrenheit
  • Centimetres inches
  • Grams ounces
  • Kilograms pounds
  • Kilometres miles
  • Kilojoules (food) calories
  • Litres gallons
  • Metres feet
  • Millilitres fluid ounces

Note that these non-metric units are in US customary units.


  • Converted measurements will always be written in their canonical/long name, e.g. ‘kilograms’ instead of ‘kg’.
  • Cannot handle quoted aliases (e.g. 5′ or 9″) or composite measurements, e.g. 5’9″.

To report any bugs please do so from the plugin homepage.


  • An options page to configure various aspects of the plugin.
  • Auto-detection for which measurement abbreviation to use for the converted unit (lbs -> kg, pounds -> kilograms).
  • An option to use Imperial measurements as distinct from US customary units.
Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.