

Create your own category-controlled 'Top Tip' to display next to relavant posts.
Ultimo aggiornamento
April 18, 2024

Create your own category-controlled ‘Top Tip’ to display next to relavant posts. Display you favourite top tip next to a post with the same category. If you have more than one tip in the matching category the chosen top tip will be a random selection from all within that category. It’s also possible to specify the top tip by id in a shortcode. An optional feature is to add a link to another post containing further information about your Top Tip.

From within WordPress

  1. Visit Plugins -> Add New
  2. Search for ‘Top Tips’
  3. Activate Top Tips from your Plugins page


  1. Upload the directory top-tips to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Set the colours and icon via Top Tips > Top Tips Settings.
  4. Create some new top tips and assign them to one or more categories.
  5. Add the shortcode [top-tips] to your posts or in a template file <?php echo do_shortcode('[top-tips]'); ?>.
  6. Remember your post needs to be assigned to the same category as the Top Tip for the tip to display.
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