Plugin - widget that will show top songs every day - set this to your sidebar and you will have amazing content.
Ultimo aggiornamento
November 20, 2013
Installazioni attive
Top Songs

Plugin to show top songs – admin can set it to widget area, set its title and number of songs and some special display options. Simple stand-alone widget displaying daily top songs via ajax script (that is cached for 2 hours after loading data) from external source (check external source section). There are some display customization options like number of displayed songs, song images display and link to songs option (default: false)

** External source **

External source page External source URL: is owned by Tomaz Miholic and it’s not in privacy policy conflict with the website privacy. External source is necessary part of this plugin because the data is coming from this source. Please not that if image display option is enabled that this can have impact on your wordpress website loading time, because images are loaded from external source from four different subdomains (External source domain:, subdomains: imga,imgb,imgc,imgd).

In next upgrade it’s planned to add the categories (music genres) so user can select most appropriate genre for his blog/music style.

Arbitrary section 1

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.