Tip of The Day is a plugin that display random tips, quotes, polls... for your users, in a widget.
Ultimo aggiornamento
November 12, 2010
Installazioni attive

Tip of The Day is a plugin that display random tips, quotes, polls… for your users, in a widget.

=Features= * Widgetized * You can make a poll of your tip. The logged users will be able to answer to it and you’ll see the results in the dashboard. You can set custom answers. * Uses custom post types and taxonomies, very easy to admin the tips. * Ability for a logged user to hide a tip definitely. It will no more appear to him. When creating your tip, you can choose if it is hidable or not. * Ajaxed. You can refresh the tip, close it, answer to a poll or hide it definitely without leaving the page.

Know Bugs

  • Fatal error at the activation (function duplicated ?)
  • Ajax functions not firing when using WP (it works with BP)
Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.