This block allows you to control slide plugins and customize the slider.
Ultimo aggiornamento
June 9, 2024
Slide Blocks

An overview of the features is below. – Operate the slider plugins VEGAS2 and SWIPER using the block interface and provide blocks to display on the website. – Two blocks are bundled: Fade MainView which operates and displays VEGAS2 settings and Slide MainView which operates and displays SWIPER settings. – Fade MainView selects multiple images from the WordPress media library and displays them one by one. At that time, settings can be made by operating blocks to produce a variety of VEGAS2 effects. – Slide MainView is set to Design Grorp of BLOCK COLLECTIONS plugin as the SWIPER slide. Therefore, not only images, but also content such as text and tables can be displayed as SWIPER slides with a variety of effects.

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  1. Style settings that may require responsive support can be set separately for desktop mode (displayed on devices with a width of 768px or more) and mobile mode (displayed on devices with a width of 767px or less). To tell which setting is set, when you switch the display mode in the block editor or site editor, “(Desktop)” and “(Mobile)” will be displayed in the side menu display. Please note that responsiveness for tablet display is not supported.
  2. This plugin depends on the BLOCK COLLECTIONS plugin. This plugin requires installation and activation in order to use it.
  3. Regarding the display of text, etc., settings are made using WordPress’s internationalization function, so it is possible to display text in multiple national languages. Currently, English and Japanese notation is possible.
  4. The Fade MainVeiw block uses VEGAS2. Regarding licenses, etc., please follow the following terms of use. Vegas – Backgrounds and Slideshows As of April 29, 2024, this plugin has been downloaded and used v.2.5.4.
  5. The Slide MainView block uses SWIPER. Terms and conditions are listed on the next page. Swiper As of May 22, 2024, this plugin has been downloaded and is using v.11.1.3.
  6. PHP class management is now done using Composer. GitHub Packagist As of May 22, 2024, this plugin has been downloaded and is using v.1.1.1.
  7. I decided to make functions and components common to other plugins into npm packages, and install and use them from npm. npm GitHub
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.