With This Plugin you can eaily add instant search functionalty to your site or blog.
Ultimo aggiornamento
December 14, 2016
Installazioni attive

Not long a go google implemented an instant search functionallty that show resluts as you type even before you hit the search button. With This Plugin you can eaily add instant search functionalty to your site or blog.

Main features:

  • Very easy to install.
  • Easy configuration screen.
  • simple options to style the search results.
  • extendable by hooks and filters all around.
  • Use as shortcode.
  • Use as template tag for easy integration with your theme or plugin.

any Feedback is Welcome.

check out my other plugins

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.