
Show Pending Comments Count

Display the pending comments count next to the approved comments count in the admin listing of posts.
Ultimo aggiornamento
August 8, 2015
Installazioni attive
Show Pending Comments Count

NOTE: This plugin is deprecated as of WordPress 4.3, which now includes a display of the count of pending comments alongside the regular count of comments. And it does so in a more aesthetically pleasing fashion than this plugin ever did, so if you are using WP 4.3 or later, there’s no need to use this plugin. In fact, it won’t do anything for you if you try to use it. The plugin is still fully functional for WP 4.2 and earlier.

By default, in the admin listing of posts, each post has its count of approved comments displayed within a word bubble. If you hover over a comment count, the tooltip hover text indicates the number of pending comments. This plugin utilizes JavaScript to change the post listings so that the pending comments count is displayed next to the approved comments count inside the same word bubble (though with a separator).

The pending comments count will appear next to post comment counts in:

  • The “Posts” listing of posts (formerly called “Edit Posts”)
  • The “Pages” listing of pages (formerly called “Edit Pages”)
  • The “Comments” listing of comments (formerly called “Edit Comments”)

This plugin will only function for users in the admin who have JavaScript enabled.

Links: Plugin Homepage | Plugin Directory Page | Author Homepage


The plugin is further customizable via two filters. Typically, these customizations would be put into your active theme’s functions.php file, or used by another plugin.


The ‘c2c_show_pending_comments_count_column_width’ filter allows you to customize the column width used for the comment column when pending comments are also being displayed. The WP default is “4em”, which is not sufficient to display a possible 3 digits for approved comments in addition to a possible 2 digits in pending comments. The default defined by the plugin is “5em” which should handle most cases sufficiently. Use the filter if you want to change the width.


  • $comment_column_width (string): The width of the comment column. Default is “5em”. Express as a width measurement recognized by CSS.


<?php // Make it even wider function my_c2c_show_pending_comments_count_column_width( $comment_column_width ) { return '6em'; } add_filter( 'c2c_show_pending_comments_count_column_width', 'my_c2c_show_pending_comments_count_column_width' ); ?>


The ‘c2c_show_pending_comments_count_separator’ filter allows you to specify the character used as the separator between the count of approved comments and the count of pending comments. By default this is ‘ • ‘ (a bullet, with space on either side).


  • $separator (string): The character or string to be used as the separator. By default this is ‘ • ‘ (note space of either side).

Gratuitosul piano Creator
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.