
WordPress SEO Audit Plugin – WP Site Auditor

WordPress site audit tool plugin to check seo health of any url. Many seo details for url, embed form on your website to make wp site auditor availabl …
Ultimo aggiornamento
July 5, 2023
Installazioni attive
WordPress SEO Audit Plugin – WP Site Auditor

Check the SEO health of any url.

  • Get Domain Authority
  • Get Page Authority
  • Check Page Load Speed
  • Find how many backlinks
  • Find how many outbound links
  • W3C Validation Check
  • Analyze Domain and Keywords
  • Get a To-Do List for making improvements

Embed a form on any page of your website to promote it for generating leads. Get others to submit their email address for doing a site audit and contact them to help with the errors in their report. Perfect plugin for seo agency and web developers.

Use Cases

  • Marketing agencies. You can allow your website users to generate site audits to see if they need your services.
  • Developers. You can allow your clients to generate site audits and fix the issues for them.

Why You Need This

  • Generate 10x more leads and sales by promoting a seo audit report to your targeted customers. Get your lead’s website details on what errors they have and email them directly about how you can help them. It’s the easiest way to make sales you’ll ever find.

Premium Features

  • Capture Leads in Database, view lead details
  • Contact leads directly from wp-admin
  • View past audit reports from all leads
  • Comment on conversations you have with leads
  • Track lead status
  • Multiple Form Layouts
  • Remove “Powered by…” text
  • Whitelabel SEO Report

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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.