Hide Plugin and Theme Updates with Ease: Say Goodbye to Broken Sites and Hassle-Free Maintenance
Ultimo aggiornamento
March 15, 2023
No updates

Are you looking for a way to hide plugin and theme updates on your WordPress site? Whether you have a staging site, want to prevent accidental updates that could break your site, or need to maintain consistent versions across multiple sites, this plugin can help.

Simply activate the plugin to hide updates, and disable it when you’re ready to update. However, please note that updating your plugins and themes is highly recommended, as updates often include important security patches and new features.

Protect your site from unwanted updates with this simple and effective plugin.

This plugin also includes non-intrusive ads (shown only in the backend) that help support the ongoing development and maintenance of the plugin. Please see our privacy policy for information on data collection.

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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.