
Good Slider

A simple and extendable slider block based on Swiper.
Ultimo aggiornamento
March 14, 2024
Good Slider

This plugin provides a very simple slider block which is based on Swiper v8. The plugin provides a UI for the most common swiper options (navigation, pagination, slides per view). But it is specifically made to be extended via PHP. Therefore, it provides many PHP filter hooks to change its behaviour.

The plugin is used in some custom themes and through it’s PHP configuration it’s perfect for a locked-in design (eg agency, clients). Through the filters it’s also very easy to extend in your own functions.php file.

If you want to report an issue or suggest features, please take a look at our GitHub repository.

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.