ElvantoTools is a plugin that allows the display of Elvanto information such as rosters, songs, and groups on your church website.
Ultimo aggiornamento
August 21, 2019
Installazioni attive

ElvantoTools allows you to drop a roster, song-list, or group map onto a page, post, or sidebar so enquirers and members can look at or link to the coming week at a glance without having to log into Elvanto.

The JagTech website is http://jagtech.biz


Use WordPress administration to set ElvantoTools defaults, or just add the ElvantoTools widget to a sidebar.

Or on a page or post, add the following tags:


[elvanto_roster weeks=2 service_types=”10:30am,5pm” departments=”music,up-front,support”]


[elvanto_songs services=1 service_types=”7pm” ]


[elvanto_map category=”bible-study groups”]

Version History

v1.0.0 Initial release v1.1 Fixed missing icons v1.2 Fixed web address v1.3 Added service plan popup v1.4 Fixed fullscreen and no-plan bug v1.5 Added position sorting and exclusions v1.6 Added position merging v1.7 Fixed various bugs in roster widget v1.8 Added group map v1.9 Fixed styling of search bar v2.0 Added multiple group categories, group count, group table v2.1 Added current location of user, travel time, directions, custom contact fields v2.2 Fixed link to mp3 preview of song v2.3 Fixed a bug in the javascript functions file

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.