
Elementor Beta (Developer Edition)

Elementor Beta (Developer Edition) gives you direct access into Elementor's development process, and lets you take an active part in perfecting o …
Ultimo aggiornamento
March 18, 2024
Installazioni attive
Elementor Beta (Developer Edition)

Be part of our future releases

By installing the Developer Edition plugin, Elementor users can now get a sneak peek of future features before they roll out. We invite you to participate and test features on our Developer Edition. This way, you’ll help us extend our ability to perfect our product and produce experimental and groundbreaking features.

The Elementor Developer Edition gives you first access to Elementor’s newest features and improvements. Each Developer Edition release will contain experimental functionalities that developers will be able to use to get familiar with the next releases before they are published. We will use this plugin to validate new features and gain feedback before they are released. This is why we don’t recommend using it on live sites. We recommend using it on staging environments only, and backing up your entire website before updating.

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.