It works sign "I saw it" at post. Linked to posts they haven't seen yet. 'mitayo' means 'I read' in Japanese.
Ultimo aggiornamento
April 10, 2024
Doc Mitayo

It works like a sign that says “I saw it” on a document posting, which is common in Japanese offices. Users will be linked to posts they haven’t seen yet. Simply click on the link with their name to view unread posts one after another.

When the deadline for posting the post comes and it is no longer “public”, in the state of “I saw it” at that time,

  • “All have been viewed!!”
  • “n user(s) have not viewed it…”

This message will arrive in Slack. (Sent to the webhook-URL set to the poster’s user ID “Site”; Without that setting, it does nothing.)

Also, when everyone has finished viewing, a Slack message saying “All have been viewed.”.

By simply installing a shortcode for each post, you can set up an independent “check field” for each post. Shortcodes can be placed anywhere in your post. By creating multiple “group”, you can have multiple “check fields” in one post.

Shortcode: [mitayo group=n]

<< About adding/updating “viewers” >> “Viewers” can be edited from “Settings > DocMitayo Viewers” in the administrator menu. By default, 3 samples are registered upon installation. Please refer to them. Click the “Submit Update” button to replace the list in the form. It is recommended to create a backup before updating.

<< It’s a bonus >> Even if the post with the “Doc Mitayo” shortcode is deleted, the “I saw it” record will remain. As a bonus, we have provided a shortcode to delete this unnecessary log. If you place it on a page that is regularly referenced, it will be deleted one by one. “Done(purge)…” is displayed when the deletion is executed. If you don’t need it, change the po file (same for other messages).

Shortcode: [purgeOldMitayo]

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