Convertix Pixel Integration.
Ultimo aggiornamento
December 30, 2022

Convertix Pixel Integration. Please, be advised that this plugin will not work properly without a valid account with Convertix Company.

First, create an account at

This plugin lets you:

  • Add Convertix Pixel to your website.
  • If you have an existing setup of GTM and other Pixel using another plugin or hardcoded, you’ll need to remove it for conflicts.
  • Automatically tracks PageView events without js library and optimize page speed.
  • Track your website’s visitors without the hasle of inserting pixels code and not seeing all convertions in your ads platform.

Convertix Digital Pixel makes your analytics data resistant to:

  • 3rd party cookies blockers (adBlockers can’t block it)
  • intelligent tracking protection (Safari, Firefox, etc will track all users)
  • Optimize you ad spending with Advanced Matching Tracking
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.