
CC & BCC for Woocommerce Order Emails

It makes it possible to insert CC and BCC in Wooommerce emails.
Ultimo aggiornamento
April 1, 2017
Installazioni attive
CC & BCC for Woocommerce Order Emails

CC & BCC for Woocommerce Order Emails is a plugin that makes it possible to insert, so easy and fast, CC and BCC in Wooommerce emails. It is based on the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate, it is tested with Woocommerce 2.4+ and is compatible with Woocommerce Bookings.

You can insert CC and BCC for:

  • New Order
  • Cancelled Order
  • Failed Order
  • On hold Order
  • Processing Order
  • Completed Order
  • Refunded Order
  • Customer invoice
  • New Account
  • New Booking
  • Booking Reminder
  • Booking Confirmed
  • Booking Notification
  • Booking Cancelled
  • Admin Booking Cancelled

Available Languages

  • English
  • Italiano

If you like the plugin, please give it a rating.

If you have a feature request, let me know, they’re always welcome!

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.