Migliora le funzionalità del tuo sito con i plugin

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19 plugin
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    Post Password Token
    da shawnparker, gordonbrander
    The Post Password Token plugin allows readers to access protected posts without having to enter a password by creating secret token urls for the post.
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    Cryptocurrency (Token), Launchpad (Presale), ICO & IDO, Airdrop by TokenICO
    da BeycanPress LLC
    Cryptocurrency (Token), Launchpad (Presale), ICO & IDO, Airdrop, ERC20, BEP20, TRC20, SPL Token, Ethereum, Solana, BNB Smart Chain, Avalanche, Polygon
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    Contact Form 7 Anti Spambot
    da SzMake
    No spam in the Contact Form 7.Add anti-spambot functionality to the CF7,it blocks spam without using CAPTCHA.
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    Digilan Token
    da Citypassenger
    This plugin helps transform a WordPress into a third party authenticator services.
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    DMCA WaterMarker
    da DMCA.com
    The DMCA WaterMarker plugin for WordPress lets you enable DMCA WaterMarking for a specific folder on your site in order to deter image thieves and pro …
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    da Pagadera
    The PAGADERA plugin is a payment gateway plugin for the Pagadera Payment Network which integrates into the WooCommerce plugin as a payment option.
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    Advanced Custom Fields: Token Field
    da foTYPE
    Adds a tokenized text box for saving comma separated values.
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    Heartland Management Terminal
    da Heartland Payment Systems
    This management terminal exposes limited functionality to manage transactions through your WordPress installation. Current functionality may not be a …
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    JWT Authenticator
    da Shawn Wang
    This plugin integrates JWT authentication and automates user creation.
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    TREZOR Connect Plugin
    da SatoshiLabs
    This plugin enables Wordpress Login via TREZOR Connect service.
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    da Aubrey Portwood of Excion
    This plugin allows you to require a secret key that is passed via the URL: http://example.com/post-title/?key=[string]
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    Login Token
    da leo108
    Add a hidden filed values token in login form to avoid brute force attack 在后台登录页面添加了一个隐藏的令牌,用来防止暴力破解。
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    Token Manager
    da Codevendor
    The Token Manager allows web developers to program PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript into tokens that can be used throughout WordPress.
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    EBOD Tracking
    da ebodbot
    The EBOD (Engage-Benefit-On-Demand) WordPress plugin allows you to seamlessly integrate EBOD's engagement-driven rewards system into your WordPre …
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    Simple NFT Protection Manager
    da Webloco by Mawsdesign
    This plugin publishes the original NFT. Selling NFTs.
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    Knowledge Token
    da Knowledge Token
    Add Knowledge Token NFT's to your content. These NFT-s can include a secret URL. Readers can mint these NFT-s and see the hidden content.
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    Payment Gateway for peg63.546u Copper on WooCommerce
    da firstRateiT
    This Plugin will add ERC20 peg63.546u Copper (CU) Token Payment Gateway to your store.
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    ACF Token Input
    da Navneil Naicker
    Bringing the functionality into ACF similar to Facebook whereby you can search and select multiple items
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    da Alexander (scor2k)
    nxtAuth allow you to log into Wordpress using NXT-token