Flexibilize os recursos do seu site com plugins

Adicione novas funcionalidades e integrações ao seu site com milhares de plugins.

33 plugin
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    WordPress GitHub Sync
    da James DiGioia, Ben Balter
    A WordPress plugin to sync content with a GitHub repository (or Jekyll site)
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    da Presslabs
    Automatic git version control and deployment for your plugins and themes integrated into wp-admin.
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    Embed Github
    da bPlugins
    Embed your GitHub repositories on WordPress.
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    Plugins Page Tweaker
    da Webtemyk
    The plugin adds icons on the plugins page and other tweaks, such as displaying the GIT branch
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    Deployer for Git
    da Alex Masliychuk
    This plugin can install and automatically update themes and plugins hosted on GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, or Gitea.
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    Github Ribbon
    da Sudar
    Adds "Fork me on Github" ribbons to your WordPress posts
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    WP Pusher Slack Notifications
    da WP Pusher
    Get a notification in Slack every time something is deployed from Git with WP Pusher.
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    da Guilherme Baptista
    Embed GitHub, Gist or Bitbucket files.
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    Display Git Status
    da WP Git Updater
    A simple WordPress plugin to display your current git branch and status in the admin area.
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    Информер ветки git
    da IKSWEB
    Плагин добавляет кнопку-информер в админ. панель в публичной части, с помощью которой можно узнать текущую ветку git, а так же изменить ее.
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    Writing On GitHub
    da litefeel
    A WordPress plugin to allow you writing on GitHub (or Jekyll site).
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    WP GitHub Sync Meta
    da litefeel
    A WordPress plugin to sync meta, tags and categories with a GitHub via wp-github-sync
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    Show Git Branch
    da swaincreates
    Shows the git branch you are currently on in the Toolbar. Checks theme then root.
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    WP Git Deploy
    da Leo Germani, Vinicius Massuchetto
    Deploy websites using Git and the admin bar.
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    Repository Zip
    da flashpixx
    With this plugin a zip download link of a subversion or git repository can be created within blog articles and pages
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    Gist for Robots Wordpress Plugin
    da Pedro Elsner
    Makes embedding Github.com gists SEO friendly and super awesomely easy.
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    No Updates for Plugins under Revision Control
    da Adam Harley
    Prevents plugins from being updated by the WordPress updater if they are under Subversion revision control (or other systems).
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    GitHub Gist Wordpress Plugin
    da Jingwen Owen Ou
    GitHub Gist Wordpress Plugin allows you to embed GitHub Gist snippets with a [gist] tag, instead of copying and pasting HTML.
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    GitHub Gist Shortcode Plugin
    da Paul William
    Allows the use of a simple shortcode to embed GitHub Gists in a post or page.
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    Badge for GlotPress
    da Bastien Ho
    Generate badges for GloPress in your projects