
Topic Like Button for bbPress

Defines two functions: bbp_topic_like_button() and get_bbp_topic_like_button(). Use these in your bbPress topic template file to add an ajax powered l …
Ultimo aggiornamento
October 25, 2018
Installazioni attive
Topic Like Button for bbPress

Once the function bbp_topic_like_button() is placed in your bbPress topic template file it creates a div placeholder. This is the same for every user so the initial page build can be globally cached. Once the document is ready an ajax request checks if the current user has liked the current topic and then displays a like or unlike button. Upon clicking the button a ajax request is sent to save the updated topic likes. Topic likes are stored as post meta attached to the topic.

Additional Info

The plugin cannot be activated without bbPress first being activated. If bbPress is deactivated then this plugin will deactivate itself.


Thanks to elhardoum author of bbp-messages for inspiration for the CheckReady class.

Gratuitosul piano Creator
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.