
Ajax Marketing Slider Lite

A fully responsive Ajax content slider, display entire post categories from one Ajax slider.Customizable fonts, colors and buttons.
Ultimo aggiornamento
May 24, 2016
Ajax Marketing Slider Lite

Display entire categories from one ajax content slider

The Marketing Slider can display entire categories in one fully responsive jQuery Ajax slider.

  • Infinite slide through your posts
  • Create an Ajax category slider and using shortcodes embed it in any of your posts or pages
  • Exclude posts from slider
  • The slider makes it much easier to surf your posts from all devices
  • Customize the fonts, buttons and colors of the slider to your preference for better conversion
  • Create unlimited sliders
  • Autoslide interval
  • More to come!
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.