Admin Quick Jump adds a dropdown list to the admin edit-post area. This allows you to quickly jump to other draft and published posts/pages.
Ultimo aggiornamento
December 3, 2013
Installazioni attive
Admin Quick Jump

Admin Quick Jump is a very simple plugin that adds a dropdown list to the admin edit-post area. The list contains posts of the same post_type as the one you are currently editing, and allows you to quickly jump between other draft and published posts. This is much less time-consuming than navigating back to the posts list and choosing the post you need.

  • Perfect for quickly jumping between editing posts, pages and custom posts.
  • No plugin settings page required, simply install and activate the plugin.
Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.