How to Monetize a Blog and Turn Your Passion Into Cash

Blogging began as a platform for self-expression for people who love to write. Today, it can also be a profitable side hustle or full-time business for anyone.

But how can you monetize a blog and take it from a hobby to a profitable business? 

Read on for monetization options you can use, including advertising, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing. And we’ll talk about who each monetization option works best for.

When Should You Consider Monetizing Your Blog?

There’s no magic number of readers or email subscribers that you need to hit before you start monetizing. But as a rule of thumb, 1,000 subscribers is often considered a good threshold to cross before seeing any reasonable income from your blog.

That said, you don’t need to wait if you don’t want to. Here are some good signs that it may be time to consider monetizing your blog:

  • You have a sizable audience – If you have a few thousand visitors per month, it shows you have a dedicated readership that may support monetization efforts.
  • You have loyal and engaged readers – Not just raw traffic numbers, but readers who comment, share, and return to your blog. Engaged readers are more likely to support you by viewing ads or buying your affiliate offers. 
  • You have specialized knowledge – If your blog covers a specific niche topic you have expertise in, it may appeal to advertisers or affiliates in that space. Your readers also value your content more.
  • You need to offset running costs – Earning even a few dollars from your blog can help cover web hosting fees and other investments.
  • Your readers have requested to support you – Loyal readers will often ask how they can support your efforts, whether through donating, viewing ads, or purchasing products you recommend.
  • You’re ready to commit the time – Monetizing a blog does require effort to find advertisers and affiliates and to promote products. Make sure you have the time to invest in monetization the right way before jumping in.

When you have enough unique content to help you stand out from other blogs and are willing to put in the work to earn money from your blog, you should monetize.

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10 Blog Monetization Tactics

Use these ten monetization tactics to start earning from your blog now.

Write freelance articles for other blogs and sites

Many popular blogs publish several high-quality articles per month. And they don’t mind paying for those articles since it helps them grow.

When I started my last mom blog, I only made around $150 selling products in the first few months. But I got gigs of $250 per article to write for bigger blogs that covered the same topics as I did.

It’s a great way to share your expertise with a wider audience and earn some income while you wait for your blog to grow.

Create a services page: You’ll need some sort of portfolio that explains your freelance writing services. Your page will describe what you offer, mention the topics you specialize in, and showcase samples from your blog. Don’t forget to include your contact information and the rates you charge.

Add your services page to your navigation menu: Help interested clients find your freelance writing services page with a visible “Services” link in your blog’s navigation menu. This way, anyone visiting your blog can easily see that you are available for hire and explore the writing services you provide.

Reach out to established bloggers and websites: Research blogs and websites in your niche that you admire and think would be a good fit for your writing style. Leave thoughtful comments on their posts to get noticed, and then introduce yourself as a freelance writer available for hire. Explain how your expertise can benefit their readers and offer to write high-quality articles for their site.

Join relevant communities: Successful bloggers often post writing opportunities in Facebook groups. Search Facebook for ‘blogging’, filter for ‘groups’, then join any of the groups you like.

Once you join, you can search within the group to find posts like the one below, or wait for people to post new opportunities.

You can also look out for writing gigs on job boards and marketplaces like:

Offer paid subscriptions and memberships

Allow your most dedicated readers to pay a monthly or yearly fee in exchange for exclusive content, extra perks, and a community where they can reach you one-on-one.

Sites like New York Times do a version of this, for example. Users can read a number of articles for free each month. When they exceed that number, they’ll have to subscribe to read any more content.

Smaller sites like The Bloom Method use the membership model. People can read the entire blog for free, then sign up for exclusive videos and other perks.

Offering paid subscriptions creates a win-win situation where your readers gain access to premium content and benefits, and you can generate a consistent income stream. This method works particularly well if you have a loyal and engaged audience that values your expertise and unique offerings.

Identify your exclusive content: Determine the type of exclusive content you can offer to your paying subscribers. You could offer in-depth articles, tutorials, e-books, podcasts, videos, or access to a private community or forum. The key is to provide valuable content that is not available to non-paying visitors.

Set up a membership platform: Choose a membership platform or plugin that integrates with your blogging platform. Popular options include Patreon, Paid Content Block, Membership and Content Restriction Plugin, and WooCommerce Subscriptions. These platforms offer features like content access control, payment processing, and membership management. You can learn more on how to work with some of these options in Membership Sites 101.

Define membership tiers and benefits: Create different membership tiers with varying subscription fees and benefits. For example, you could offer a basic tier with access to exclusive articles, a premium tier with additional perks like live Q&A sessions or downloadable resources, and a VIP tier with personalized coaching or one-on-one consultations. 

Promote your membership program: Make sure that people know your program exists. The first place to promote it is on your homepage. Also, add a link to your membership in your navigation menu, in your blog sidebar, and in blog posts.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a popular monetization method where you promote products or services on your blog and earn a commission for every sale or action generated through your unique links. 

Your audience is constantly looking for products they can trust, and since they already trust your judgment, they’ll be grateful for your recommendations too.

Select products/services to promote: Choose products or services that you genuinely believe in and that align with your audience’s needs. Prioritize quality and relevance to ensure that your recommendations resonate with your readers. Focus on promoting products that you have personally used, as it adds credibility to your recommendations.

Add affiliate links strategically: Incorporate affiliate links naturally within your blog posts or product reviews. Avoid excessive or pushy promotions that may turn off your audience. Instead, focus on providing valuable information, and when appropriate, include affiliate links that lead to relevant products or services.

Run ads

Displaying ads on your blog allows advertisers to display their promotional content to your readers. 

You’ll leverage the traffic and engagement on your blog to attract advertisers. And as your blog grows in popularity, advertisers will pay more to have their ads on your blog. 

Afoma Umesi, a blogger at Reading Middle Grade, prefers to monetize with ads because it’s the most passive form of monetization. But for a unique blog like Days of the Year — where all the traffic is transient—it’s the only meaningful monetization method possible.

Choose an ad network or program: Research and select an ad network or program that aligns with your blog’s niche and audience. Some popular options include WordAds, Google AdSense, Mediavine, AdThrive, and Ezoic.

Each network or program has its requirements and payout structure, so consider factors such as ad relevance, payment terms, and user experience when making your decision.

Sign up and get approved: Follow the registration process for the chosen ad network or program. Provide the necessary information about your blog and comply with any eligibility criteria. The network will review your application and approve it if your blog meets its guidelines.

Place ad units strategically: Once approved, you will receive ad codes or plugins to integrate into your blog. Place the ad units strategically in locations where they are visible but not intrusive to your readers’ experience. 

Common ad placements include the sidebar, header, footer, or within the content. Experiment with different ad formats and sizes to find the best balance between user experience and revenue. 

Accept donations and tips from readers

If your readers find value in your content and want to support your blog, accepting donations and tips can be an effective way to monetize your platform. It allows your audience to contribute financially as a gesture of appreciation for the value you provide.

Set up a donation platform: Choose a donation platform that aligns with your preferences and integrates easily with your blog. Popular options include Ko-fi, GiveWP, Donations via PayPal, and WP Fundraising

You can also use’s Donations Form Block to set up a beautiful donations page.

Clearly communicate the donation option: Display a visible and easily accessible donation button or widget on your blog. Place it in a prominent location, such as the sidebar, header, or footer. Explain how their contributions can help you continue providing valuable content.

Consider offering additional perks: To incentivize donations, you can offer additional perks or exclusive content to donors. This can include access to premium resources, early access to new content, or personalized shout-outs. These perks provide an extra incentive for readers to support your work.

Offer sponsored posts

As an authority in your niche, your recommendations and insights carry weight with your audience. By partnering with sponsors whose products align with your content and audience’s interests, you can provide valuable information while generating revenue.

You can also get free products and services in exchange for sponsored posts. When eCommerce SEO consultant Louis Smith started his travel blog, almost all the tours he did was in exchange for a travel package.

Identify relevant sponsors: Research and identify brands or businesses that align with your blog’s niche and audience. Look for companies whose products or services would be genuinely beneficial and of interest to your readers. Reach out to them directly or explore sponsorship opportunities through influencer marketing platforms.

Communicate the benefits to sponsors: Showcase the value and benefits of partnering with your blog to potential sponsors. Highlight your audience demographics, engagement metrics, and examples of successful collaborations you’ve had in the past, if any. The goal is to emphasize how your blog can effectively promote its products or services to a targeted and engaged audience.

Ensure FTC compliance: Adhere to the guidelines set by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or the relevant regulatory authority in your country when disclosing sponsored content. Label or tag sponsored posts, use appropriate hashtags and include necessary disclaimers to comply with the regulations and maintain transparency with your audience.

Sell courses

Creating and selling online courses allows you to provide in-depth, structured learning experiences for your readers for a fee. 

The best part is that you don’t need to have a ton of readers to make a reasonable amount with courses, and we have a free course on Building Online Courses.

Identify your course topic: Choose a topic that’s popular with your audience and where you have deep expertise. If you run a mom blog, for example, you could create a parenting course for new moms.

Choose a course platform: Select a reliable online course platform that suits your needs and budget. Consider using Sensei LMS or another LMS that integrates with WordPress. These plugins provide features for managing enrollments, collecting payments, and delivering course content securely.

Make your course easy to find: On your blog, place links to your course in your navigation bar, sidebar, and even footer (like Elna does with Twins Mommy).

Sell ebooks

With the rise of digital reading devices and platforms, eBooks have become a popular and cost-effective way for individuals to access valuable information and entertainment. 

In fact, they were the first products I ever sold on my blog.

Choose a compelling eBook topic: Identify a topic that aligns with your blog’s niche and is of interest to your audience. Consider your expertise, passion, and the demand for that particular subject. Research similar eBooks in the market to ensure your content offers a unique perspective or value proposition.

Choose a digital publishing platform: Select a suitable platform to publish and sell your eBook. Popular platforms include Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, or self-hosting options like WooCommerce, Gumroad, or Payhip. These platforms offer easy-to-use interfaces, distribution channels, and payment processing to streamline the selling process.

Promote your eBook: Leverage your existing blog audience and other marketing channels to promote your eBook. Write blog posts or guest articles related to the eBook’s topic, offering valuable insights and creating anticipation. Utilize your email list, social media platforms, and relevant online communities to generate buzz and engage with potential readers.

Sell coaching or consulting services

If you’re just getting started, selling coaching and consulting will generate the most income possible for you.

“When my blog was new, I started by offering one-to-one video consultations via Zoom. I didn’t necessarily need a high level of search traffic to make a steady income from these,” says blogger Samantha North.

Coaching or consulting services offer a high-value, personalized experience to clients who are seeking specialized knowledge or assistance.

Your blog serves as a platform for establishing your credibility and expertise, making it easier to attract clients who resonate with your content. 

Define your coaching or consulting offering: Identify your area of expertise and the specific audience you want to serve. Determine the problems, challenges, or goals that your coaching or consulting services can address. Narrowing down your niche allows you to position yourself as an authority and target a specific market segment.

Clarify your service offerings: Outline the specific areas you will focus on, the outcomes or results you can help clients achieve, and the methodologies or frameworks you will employ. Be clear about the benefits and value your services bring to potential clients.

Structure your services into distinct packages or tiers to cater to different client needs and budgets. Consider offering options for one-on-one sessions, group coaching, or a combination of both. Determine the duration and frequency of sessions, as well as any additional resources or support you will provide.

Market your services: Leverage your blog, social media platforms, and professional networks to market your coaching or consulting services. Create content that showcases your expertise, addresses common pain points, and highlights the benefits of working with you. Don’t forget to link to your services page from prominent locations on your blog.

Sell physical merchandise

Expanding beyond digital products, selling physical merchandise allows you to monetize your blog by offering tangible goods related to your brand or niche. 

And if you sell branded merch, they serve as a promotional tool, turning your loyal readers into walking advertisements. 

Jono at Days of the Year sells Wall calendars and T-Shirts branded with DoTY, for example.

Identify your target audience and merchandise ideas: Understand your audience’s preferences, interests, and demographics. Brainstorm merchandise ideas that align with your blog’s niche and resonate with your audience. Consider items such as branded apparel, accessories, stationery, home decor, or niche-specific products that align with your content.

Design or source your merchandise: Create unique designs or collaborate with designers to create visually appealing and on-brand merchandise. If you’re not proficient in design, you can hire freelance designers or explore print-on-demand services like Printful, which handles the production and fulfillment process for you.

Set up an online store: Choose an e-commerce platform or plugin to set up your online store. Most WordPress sites choose WooCommerce because its free base platform is robust, and it can also be customized with a multitude of add-ons to fit any e-commerce need. Customize your store to reflect your brand’s aesthetics, including high-quality product images, detailed descriptions, and clear pricing information. Make the purchasing process seamless and secure for your customers.

Promote your merchandise: Use your merch in videos and images for your blog and let people know that they can buy them from your store. Incorporate visuals, testimonials, and user-generated content to build trust and generate interest. Consider offering limited-time promotions or discounts to incentivize purchases.

Start Monetizing Your Blog With

It’s time to put your knowledge into action and start monetizing your blog.

If you don’t have enough traffic yet, concentrate on delivering value to your audience and generating traffic first. When you have traffic, your monetization options and revenue growth potential increase. And don’t forget to sign up for a blogging platform that lets you grow. There’s a reason why is the most popular choice among successful bloggers. Check it out now

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Lily Ugbaja

Lily is a Content Marketing Consultant for brands like, Zapier, and HubSpot with over $2m in client results. In her spare time, Lily plays VR games, writes the blog FindingBalance.Mom, the newsletter Marketing Cyborg, or shoots YouTube Videos on @activatingwealth.

More by Lily Ugbaja