
par Automattic
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Libretto is a responsive one-column theme with classic styling and careful typographic details. It’s ideally suited to showcasing longform writing interspersed with beautiful images and inspiring quotes.


Featured Images & Custom Header

Personalize your site by uploading a Custom Header.

On posts and pages, your Featured Images, if set, will replace your header image. Use a large image and it will display full-screen, with the title of your post or page layered on top.

Site Logo

Libretto allows you to add your own Site Logo, which will be displayed at the top of the blog index page.


The footer area includes four optional Widget areas — use as many, or as few, as you need, and the layout will adapt.


Libretto includes styles for drop-cap paragraphs and pull quotes. Learn more about how to use them.


Libretto looks best with lots of big images, but it can also adapt to smaller images. For best results, use large images, or align smaller images to the left or right.

Social Menu

Libretto will display links to your favorite social media profiles in a secondary menu at the bottom of the page. To display them, set up a Social Links Menu.

Libretto social menu

Supported networks: Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, YouTube. Unsupported networks will appear with a simple star icon.

Libretto supports the following features:

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels)

  1. The main column width is 680.
  2. The footer widget areas vary in size, depending on the number of active areas.
  3. The site logo appears at a maximum width of 100 and a maximum height of 100 on the blog index page.


blog, simple, boutique, nature, travel, voyage, books, writer, poetry, personal, blog, simple, boutique, nature

Ce thème peut être téléchargé lors de l’installation de votre site WordPress auto-hébergé .

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