Zij indeed jobs. Let you show the indeed jobs into your wordpress installation easily.
Mis à jour récemment
April 29, 2017
Installations actives
Zij Indeed Jobs

Zij indeed jobs provide the easy solution to show indeed jobs into your website easily.

Zij indeed jobs requires the following parameters to work properly

A few notes about the sections above:

  • Api Key indeed jobs api key e.g 4523189466224463
  • Category which category jobs you want to show e.g PHP Developer
  • Location which city jobs you want to show e.g austin
  • Job type which job type jobs you want to show e.g Full-time

Pro version features

  • Changeable colors
  • Font color
  • Background color
  • Border color

Zij Indeed Jobs Pro

Gratuitsur le plan Creator
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.