
WPSSO Strip Schema Microdata

Remove Schema Microdata and RDFa from the webpage for better Google Rich Results using Schema JSON-LD markup.
Mis à jour récemment
June 25, 2024
Installations actives
WPSSO Strip Schema Microdata

Is Google Search reporting invalid Schema markup from your theme templates?

Do you need to remove old Microdata and RDFa markup from your theme templates?

Do you need to remove duplicate social or SEO meta tags from your webpage?

By default, the WPSSO Strip Schema Microdata (WPSSO SSM) add-on can remove old Schema Microdata and RDFa markup from the webpage. The settings page also allows for the optional removal of duplicate / conflicting Schema markup and meta tags from the webpage head or body sections.

WPSSO SSM filters the webpage dynamically, allowing you to activate or deactivate the add-on to enable or disable the removal of old Schema Microdata, RDFa, and duplicate meta tags. The WPSSO SSM webpage filter is very fast – generally running in under 0.003 seconds.

WPSSO Core Required

WPSSO Strip Schema Microdata (WPSSO SSM) is an add-on for the WPSSO Core plugin, which provides complete structured data for WordPress to present your content at its best for social sites and search results – no matter how URLs are shared, reshared, messaged, posted, embedded, or crawled.

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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.