
JVZoo – WPMktgEngine | Genoo Extension

Extend the power of your relationship with your leads and customers,
Mis à jour récemment
November 25, 2021

Extend the power of your relationship with your leads and customers, by knowing how they are participating in your courses and lessons, so you can encourage their participation, learning, and achievement. The JVZoo – WPMktgEngine extension allows you to track JVZoo purchases. Then you can incorporate their participation with your courses and memberships along with other activity information to target messages, create new products that will hit the mark, and build tighter and trusting relationships with your customers.


  1. WordPress at least version 3.3
  2. PHP at least version 5.3.1
  3. Active WPMktgEngine account (
Gratuitsur le plan Creator
En procédant à l’installation, vous acceptez les Conditions d’utilisation de ainsi que les Conditions de l’extension tierce.
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.