WP-xPerts Woo Tools is a most powerful plugin to do small woocommerce tweaks for which you need a developer.
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May 23, 2017
WP-xPerts Woo Tools

WP-xPerts Woo Tools is a most powerful plugin to do small woocommerce tweaks for which you need a developer. you can easily manage woocommerce product tabs, add to cart button text, remove related product, manage tabs easily and many other things.

Here are modules which you can manage using plugin settings.

  • On/Off entire section
  • Add to cart button text
  • Add to car redirect
    • Select a page from dropdown (has priority)
    • Enter a custom url
  • Checkout redirect
    • Select a page from dropdown (has priority)
    • Enter a custom url
  • Show/Hide related products on single product page
  • Show/Hide each product page tab separately
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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.