
WP Change Template

The plugin allows to change theme (template) on desired dates.
Mis à jour récemment
August 6, 2009
Installations actives

The plugin allows to change theme (template) on desired dates. If you want a Christmas theme automatically on your blog just for 5 days (or more), the plugin will do it for you.

Just enter a start date, an end date , select times and the theme which you want to use, that’s it.

You can have as many combinations as you wish.

A theme for each seasons, halloween theme, christmas theme… or even a day and night theme…

Admin Panel

The admin panel will allow to move re-order your theme changes. Just remember that, the top is the lowest and the bottom is the highest level. So, if you have a theme change (‘theme1’) set for the 23/07 – 01/08 first and theme change (‘theme2’) for the 24/07 – 26/07, and today’s date is 24/07, ‘theme2’ will be displayed unless you move down ‘theme1’. »

The rules, which you have created, will stay year on year.

Gratuitsur le plan Creator
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.