
WooCommerce Blacklist Manager – Anti Fraud & Fake Orders

Easily helps store owners to avoid unwanted customers.
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June 30, 2024
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WooCommerce Blacklist Manager – Anti Fraud & Fake Orders

The WooCommerce Blacklist Manager plugin is an essential tool for WooCommerce store owners. Providing the ability to blacklist specific phone numbers, email addresses, ip addresses, email domains and block user. This plugin helps in preventing orders or cancellations from unwanted or problematic sources, also refused the visitor to create an account. With an easy-to-use interface integrated into the WordPress dashboard, managing your blacklist is both straightforward and efficient.

Premium version | Documentation


  • Blacklist Management: Suspects, Blocklist for Phone number, Email address, IP address and Domain.
  • Friendly Controller: Easily add the phone number, email address, ip address from the Edit Order page; multi ip addresses/domains addition into blocking list.
  • Multi Notifications: Email, alert and error notices for both admin and users are customizable.
  • Prevent Ordering: Option to prevent the customer place an order if their email/phone/ip/domain is on the Blocklist.
  • Prevent Registration: Option to prevent registration if the email/ip/domain is on the Blocklist.
  • Timed Cancellation: Option to cancel the order if the email/phone is on the Blocklist in the delay of time.
  • User Blocking: When the order has been placed by a user and has been added to the Blocklist, then the user is also set as Blocked. Optional in the Settings.

Premium Features

Disposable Emails & Phones Blocking

  • Prevent Disposable Emails: Block orders and registration if the customer using disposable email address.
  • Prevent Disposable Phones: Block orders if the customer using disposable phone number.
  • Block Disposable Phones: Automatic added disposable phone number into the blocklist.

Address Blocking

  • Google Maps API Integration: Autocomplete addresses on the checkout page to ensure accuracy and clarity.
  • Address Blacklisting: Block orders from specific addresses listed in your blocklist.
  • Suspicious Address Alerts: Receive notifications if a suspicious address is used to place an order.

Suspicious Payment Detection

  • Country Mismatch Detection: Alert if the payment card country does not match the billing country.
  • AVS Checks: Validate the address provided by the customer against the address on file with the card issuer to detect discrepancies.
  • High Risk Country: Alert and add to suspect list when the customer uses a credit card from countries that are set in the High Risk Countries selection.

Automation Alerts

  • Repetitive Use Monitoring: Detect and alert if the same phone number or email is used with different addresses or IP addresses.
  • Address Mismatch Detection: Identify orders with different billing and shipping addresses.
  • High-Value Order Alerts: Set alerts for orders significantly higher than your store’s average order value.
  • Frequent Order Detection: Monitor and alert for unusually high order frequency within a specific time period.
  • Proxy/VPN Detection: Identify and alert if an order is placed using a proxy server or VPN.
  • Geolocation Mismatch Alerts: Ensure the IP address location matches the billing country and alert for discrepancies in IP address and address coordinates.

Explore the Automation features here

Enhanced Protection

Our premier solution for combating fraud and unauthorized transactions: we’ve integrated up with the finest third-party services to deliver the highest level of protection for your business. Each service we chose excels in identifying and preventing fraudulent activities. Moreover, these services offer free plans designed to support small and medium-sized businesses, enabling you to focus on growth while safeguarding your transactions.

Service integrations: Google Maps Platform, IPinfo, ip-api, MailCheck, NumCheckr.

Plugin integrations: WooCommerce Stripe Gateway, Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce.

Premium Support

Dedicated Assistance: Access to our premium support team for any issues or questions you may have. Priority Response: Receive faster response times and personalized support to ensure your plugin operates smoothly.

Explore the Premium version here

With these premium features and dedicated support, the WooCommerce Blacklist Manager Premium plugin provides unparalleled security and efficiency, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on growing your business.


  • Accessing the Blacklist Manager: After activation, find the ‘Blacklist Manager’ option in your WordPress admin menu.
  • Manage the Blacklist: Use the provided form to add phone number and email addresses. Add the phone, email and ip address at the Order page. Bulk addition ip addresses and domains into the lists.
  • Searching the Blacklist: Utilize the search feature above the blacklist table to filter entries.
  • Navigating the List: The pagination controls allow you to navigate through multiple pages if your blacklist grows.
  • Settings: Selects the options to cancel or prevent an order, and declined to create an account.

Additional Notes

  • This plugin requires WooCommerce to be installed and activated.
  • Always back up your WordPress site before installing new plugins.


For support or suggestions, feel free to contact

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