WC Authorize.net Payment Gateway addon adds a payment option for customers to pay with their Credit Cards.
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April 21, 2017
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WC Authorize.net Payment Gateway addon adds a payment option for customers to pay with their Credit Cards.

WooCommerce 2.6x Compatible


  1. Accept Card right on your website.
  2. No redirecting on other url.
  3. Easy to install and configure
  4. Option to configure success & failure message
  5. Safe way to process credit cards and debit cards on WooCommerce using Authorize.net
  6. This plugin uses internal card processing, so faster and more relaible.


So that others can share in the answer, please submit your support requests through the WordPress forums for WC Authorize.net Payment Gateway(https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wc-authorizenet-aim-payment-gateway).

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.