Create submissions for EC Sales List returns (VAT101) to be sent directly to HMRC from Easy Digital Downloads & Woo Commerce sales records.
Mis à jour récemment
July 5, 2018
Installations actives
VAT EC Sales List

This plugin is only applicable to VAT registered businesses based in the UK that make sales to businesses (B2B) in other EU member states

Each quarter, or even month, UK businesses must submit to the UK tax authority (HMRC) an EC Sales List to document sales made to businesses in other EU member states. This plug-in integrates with Easy Digital Downloads and/or Woo Commerce so it is able retrieve relevant sales records from which to create the quarterly (or monthly) return.

Note: This plugin is free to download and you will be able to use it to create and test EC Sales List submissions. To submit returns directly to HMRC you will need to purchase a credit from our web site: £5 for a single submission; £18 for 4 (quarterly) submissions; £50 for 12 (monthly) submissions.


Select your e-commerce package

  • Easy Digital Downloads or
  • Woo Commerce

Create quarterly or monthly submissions

  • Select the transactions to include
  • The plugin will only present sales to EU businesses outside the UK so you cannot select invalid sales records
  • Specify the quarter for the submission
  • Test your EC Sales List return submission before sending it live


  • Provides roles you can use to control who is able to create and submit returns
  • Give your accountant limited access to be able to submit returns
  • Or only give your accountant the ability to view returns.


Watch videos showing how to setup the plugin, create a submission and send the return to HMRC

Submit EC Sales list returns directly to HMRC

Buy credits to submit your EC Sales List return directly to HMRC.

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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.