
Ultimate Conversion Tracking Code

Add Adwords, Facebook pixel or any Conversion Tracking scripts using variables like product ID, post id, title or custom ones.
Mis à jour récemment
November 16, 2015
Installations actives
Ultimate Conversion Tracking Code

Add Adwords, Facebook pixel or any Conversion Tracking scripts using variables like product ID, post id, title or custom ones.

This plugin lets you insert any marketing script anywhere you want, before the head element closes, after the body or even before the body tag closes.

Also you can use custom variables to share between scripts like conversion id or Facebook pixel id. as well as dynamic ones like product id.

Also you can set your scripts to show in specific pages or events like right when somebody completes an order or when they are in a product page in case you are using Woocomerce.

Premium version With the premium version you have no limits in variables or scripts and you get much more options, you can check out here if you want more power to your marketing scripts:

Gratuitsur le plan Creator
En procédant à l’installation, vous acceptez les Conditions d’utilisation de ainsi que les Conditions de l’extension tierce.
Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.