Cleans up posts and comments for sentence case or title case, fixes punctuation, makes quotes and commas curly, and allows custom enhancements.
Mis à jour récemment
February 9, 2013
Installations actives

This plugin will automatically parse through the contents of each blog post and/or comment when displayed and look for bad casing and other common grammatical/aesthetic faux pas, like sloppy punctuation. It will also make blog post titles all uppercase except for select words, which are kept lowercase. Double and single quotation marks, as well as commas, are automatically made into their attractive curly form. You can also provide a custom list of tweaks you’d like the plugin to make, such as uppercasing select words or disabling some of the plugin’s default replacements.

For example, consider the following text as a comment’s contents: AMAZING!!!!! THIS IS SUCH AN AMAZING STORY AND I KNOW MY FRIEND,, DR. BOBBY WOULD THINK SO TOO… DON’T YOU AGREE???!!!

The default functionality of the Text Beautify plugin would display that content as follow: Amazing! This is such an amazing story and I know my friend, Dr. Bobby would think so too… Don’t you agree?!

The full feature list is as follows:

  • Use proper sentence casing instead of all capitals in comments and post body
  • Capitalize each word in blog titles except for user-editable list of exceptions
  • Remove user-editable list of excessive punctuation; by default: exclamation marks, question marks, asterisks, commas
  • Replace standard quotation marks, apostrophes, and commas with their curly equivalents
  • Preserve case (in blog posts, blog titles, and comments) of user-editable list of terms
  • Execute user-editable list of specific string replacements (in blog posts, blog titles, and comments)
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.