Having tested this using Firefox, Edge, Chrome on Windows 10 & Linux it works on all except for Chrome on Windows 10!
Mis à jour récemment
April 25, 2022
Installations actives
Video Chat – Tinychat

Having tested this using Firefox, Edge, Chrome on Windows 10 & Linux it works on all except for Chrome on Windows 10! You can bypass this in Chrome by searching in the developer tools, locate the cookies, go to Tinychat.com, locate a cookie named « remember_random-number », and change the value for ‘Same Site’ to none and remove the tick for HttpOnly and add a tick in ‘Secure’, This may only be affecting some users.

You now have to register to use the chat, you can do that at Tinychat , I apologise about that.

Now updated to the new version of Tinychat using HTML5 WebRTC! TinyChat full screen video chat for WordPress/BuddyPress, This advanced version allows you to add your own room name.


Now updated to the new version of Tinychat using HTML5 WebRTC! This is full screen video chat that is used on TinyChat.

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  • Email – Any issues then please contact me here.
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Testé jusqu’à version
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