The simple system ticket support. Full features to build a system private ticket, got notification via email.
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March 28, 2020
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System Ticket Support

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Full features needed for a private ticket system, setting and use in some minutes. Use for unlimited product, categories or supporter. Already pre-template, realtime report…etc. Free for all.

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Video Overview System Ticket Support

Video How to use the Ticket for customers


  • Create ticket easy by input some fields
  • Submit ticket on Front-End and register account at the same time
  • Get notification via email when have new reply
  • Already define automatic template response email, template tickets
  • Already manager users
  • Management categories, products
  • Management all tickets
  • Realtime report
  • Can use for many support as you want, they are the same role
  • Feedback customers – after ticket closed, system automatic send an email to user to get feedback about supporter.
  • Supporter can create owner template
  • Can predefine mail template – which use to send to customers.
  • Current notes – Private note save processing ticket, what need to do, or…etc
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