
Sweet Analytics WooCommerce

Install the Sweet Analytics Tracker and gain access to all enhanced ecommerce functionalities for advanced insights.
Mis à jour récemment
June 13, 2024
Installations actives

Enhanced Ecommerce Sweet Analytics Plugin for WooCommerce is a free plugin for WooCommerce stores which allows businesses to quickly set up the Sweet Analytics Tracker, including the Enhanced Ecommerce feature. You can track user behavior, monitor conversions and fully understand which channels are driving those conversions. This will allow you to be able to to take informed decisions to optimize your marketing and drive business growth.

There are hundreds of marketing tools out there, but none of them allow you to push all your marketing data into a single place. Are you often left wondering if 3rd party platforms such as Adwords and Facebook are attributing the same conversions to themselves and numbers don’t seem to add up? Sweet Analytics is here to bridge the gap between your marketing platforms and reality to provide you with accurate information that you can use confidently in your day to day activities.


  1. Dead simple installation. A few clicks are all that’s needed for you to get full access to Sweet Analytics Tracker insights.
  2. Adds incredible new reports within Sweet Analytics including: Tracker Insights, Attribution Compare Tool, Tracker Summary, and much more!
  3. Allows you to tie user behaviour with your customer data. Know exactly where users came from before making a purchase!
  4. Custom Event Tracking

Coming Soon

  1. Automatic Basket tracking (add and remove from basket)
  2. Tracker product impressions to understand what products users are interested in.
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.